OGP, LLC v. Contango Resources
OGP v Contango Settlement

Welcome to the OGP v Contango Settlement Website

If You Are or Were an Owner Paid by Contango Resources, LLC for Oil Production Proceeds from an Oklahoma Well, You Could Be a Part of a Proposed Class Action Settlement

Important Update: The Court granted final approval to the Settlement on April 23, 2024. Copies of the Court's Order and other relevant pleadings are available on the Important Documents page.

What is this lawsuit about?

The Litigation sought damages for Defendant’s alleged failure to pay statutory interest on allegedly late payments under Oklahoma law. Defendant expressly denies all allegations of wrongdoing or liability with respect to the claims and allegations in the Litigation. The Court has made no determination with respect to the merits of any of the parties’ claims or defenses.

Who is included?

The Settlement Class in the Litigation consists of the following individuals and entities:

All non‑excluded persons or entities who, during the Claim Period: (1) received Late Payments from Defendant (or Defendant’s designee) for oil‑and‑gas proceeds from Oklahoma wells; or whose proceeds were escheated to a government entity by Defendant; or whose proceeds from Oklahoma wells were held in suspense by Defendant on or before May 31, 2023; and (2) who have not already been paid statutory interest on the Late Payments or on the amounts held in suspense by Defendant on or before May 31, 2023.

A “Late Payment” for purposes of this class definition means payment of proceeds from the sale of oil or gas production from and an oil‑and‑gas well after the statutory periods identified in Okla. Stat. tit. 52, § 570.10.

The Claim Period means payments made or issued by Defendant (i) with respect to the White Star Wells, checks or payments dated between and including May 19, 2019, and May 31, 2023, sent by or on behalf of Contango or its predecessor(s); (ii) with respect to all other wells, and except as stated below regarding funds held in suspense, checks or payments dated between September 30, 2017, through May 31, 2023; (iii) with respect to suspense funds, the amounts held in suspense by Contango on or before May 31, 2023, attributable to production dates before November 1, 2019. For all production dates prior to October 1, 2019, for funds held in suspense as of May 31, 2023, statutory interest is calculated from October 1, 2019, through September 30, 2024.

What does the Settlement provide?

In settlement of all claims alleged in the Litigation, Defendant has agreed to pay Eight Million One Hundred Thousand Dollars ($8,100,000.00) in cash (“Gross Settlement Fund”). In exchange for the payment noted above and other consideration outlined in the Settlement Agreement, the Settlement Class shall release the Released Claims (as defined in the Settlement Agreement) against the Released Parties (as defined in the Settlement Agreement). The $8,100,000.00 cash payment is referred to as the “Gross Settlement Fund.” The Gross Settlement Fund, less Class Counsel’s Attorneys’ Fees and Litigation Expenses and Administration, Notice, and Distribution Costs, and other costs approved by the Court (the “Net Settlement Fund”), will be distributed to final Class Members pursuant to the terms of the Settlement Agreement.

The Settlement Agreement also includes Future Benefits for the Settlement Class.

Your Legal Rights and Options

These deadlines may be moved, canceled, or otherwise modified, so please check this site regularly for updates.

Do Nothing, Participate in The Settlement

By taking no action, your interests will be represented by Plaintiff as the Class Representative and Class Counsel. As a Class Member, you will be bound by the outcome of the Settlement, if finally approved by the Court. If you are entitled to a distribution pursuant to the Allocation Methodology and Final Distribution Schedule, you will receive your portion of the Net Settlement Amount, and you will be bound by the Settlement Agreement and all orders and judgments entered by the Court regarding the Settlement.

Exclude Yourself
(received by April 2, 2024, at 5 p.m. CT)

If you did not wish to be a member of the Settlement Class, then you had to exclude yourself from the Settlement Class. If you validly requested exclusion, you will not receive any distribution from the Net Settlement Fund, you cannot object to the Settlement, and you will not have released any claim against the Released Parties. You will not be legally bound by anything that happens in the Litigation. To be valid, your exclusion request must meet certain requirements. For more information, see FAQ 6.

(received by April 2, 2024, at 5 p.m. CT)

As a Class Member you could object to the fairness, reasonableness, or adequacy of the Settlement, any term of the Settlement Agreement, the Allocation Methodology, the Distribution Schedule, the request for Plaintiff’s Attorneys’ Fees and Litigation Expenses and Administration, Notice, and Distribution Costs, or the request for an Incentive Award to the Class Representative if you wished. To be valid, your objection had to meet certain requirements. For more information, see FAQ 7.

Retain Your Own Attorney

You had the right to retain your own attorney to represent you at the Final Fairness Hearing, which was held on April 23, 2024, beginning at 9:30 a.m. If you retained separate counsel, you are responsible to pay his or her fees and expenses out of your own pocket. For more information about the Hearing, see FAQ 4.

For More Information

Visit this website often to get the most up-to-date information.

OGP v Contango Settlement
c/o JND Legal Administration
PO Box 91343
Seattle, WA 98111